Find the curious, the odd, the unimaginable!
​Featuring 40+ vendors, live entertainment and more right in the center of the beautiful Orchard Town Center shopping mall in WestMONSTER, Colorado, located on Town Center Drive between 146th and 147th Avenues. Just off I-25 at the 144th St exit!
During our market, from 11am to 2pm, Orchard Town Center’s popular annual Mall-o-Ween event (renamed in 2023 to Spooky Sweets Stroll) will be happening, too! Thousands of kids (and their parents) will descend on the Center in their costumes to trick-or-treat at the mall’s retail stores and our vendor booths. We are asking all vendors to participate by bringing a non-perishable food item for donation, as well as plenty of candy for the trick-or-treaters! Like in 2022 and 2023, we are expecting a huge turnout!